Saturday, May 15, 2010

My Family

Last night when I came home from work my family was having their "movie night." This is a weekly occasion at our house. After a lousy week at work it is nice to have my priorities readjusted. It was heartwarming to see the three on the couch laughing and giggling at comic pratfalls in the film. Mark was on the floor with his baby brother, gently stroking his hand and arm. Savannah said something cute too. It just makes me realize WHY I do go to work. I really love my family!


  1. We would really like to be invited to Cynthia's blogspot. As of right now, we do not have a long distance connection that isn't very costly. We bought Magic Jack ($39.99/year) but have been unable to install it.

    Please let us know the date of Hunter's baptism!
